It's time to Let it go

"why does it hurt so bad.?"

Life these days is getting rough
they've knocked me down and beat me up

but it's just a roLLercoaster anyway

I know there are some things in Life that I simpLy can't have no matter how hard I try.,
so., it's time I Learn to Let go of it., :)

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merry christmas everyone.! ^^

christmas taon ini I'm going nowhere.,
sprti biasa, kLo ga kmn² psti ngumpuL bareng kLuarga.,
hmmm., cukup menyenangkan., :)

tgL dualima desember at 12.01 a.m, is thebestmoment ever., :)
I wiLL never forget tht moment., ♥

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poor LittLe girL~

it's hoLiday time.,
no homework, no schooL, and no wake up in the morning.!
seharusnya itu jd ssuatu yg menyenangkan.,
no friends, no gossip, no Laugh.? it's absoLuteLy boring.,
jd kesimpuLannya hoLiday kaLi ini sgt membosankan.,
I need to hang out immediateLy.! guys where are you.? T.T

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Look wad I've found.!

seteLah dgn kekurang kerjaan drumah, akhirnya kegiatan yg ga jeLas [mengutak - atik barang² dikamar] ada hasiLnya juga.,
Look wad I've found nih.!
hehe., itu gantungan kunci coupLe., nemunya pas Lg di gantung di tas yg uda Lama ga dipake., dgn posisi tasnya Lg di simpen rapih di Lemari., wktu itu iseng nyari, kpngin gnti tas buat ke skLh., eh nemunya yg itu., yaudah hehe., gntungannya di copot trus di pakein ke tas yg Laen.,
kLo Liat gntungan itu jd ke inget dia Lg soaLnya., :(
cengeng ah., :P hehe.,
td jg ktmu dia di maL., ckck., >_<

Lnjut besog Lg deh., muLai rajin nge-post nih akhir² ini.,

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it was so amazing.!

huft~ Lama ngga nge-post Lg. Bnyk bgt moment yg ngga smpet di critakan. hehe.
berikut perinciannya:
30 nov- 5 des: Lagi uLum
5-7: jd panitia st.cLaus
6 des: uLtah nya ikha., tpi bLm dirayain., jd qt bkin surprise party keciL²an di rumahnya.,
waktu itu kita Lagi ada st.cLaus., super duper rame deh.! seru bgt., nih fotonya.,

Left to right:1st: memey-wuLan-saiia-este-gabby-vena-angie-divy-ikha-whiLa-dierra.,

trus., waktu Lagi jaLan, kita diem² misah dari ikha. trus bLanja bnyk bngt.
pernak-pernik sgaLa macem buat hiasin kamar nya ikha dLL.
trus pas maLemnya dy puLang, kita pada ngumpet di bwh ranjang nya, Lampu kamar di matiin.
wktu ikha msuk kamar,,, DOR.!
"happy bdae ikhaaaa.!!" hehe.,
si ikha emng cengeng ato apa ya.? masa segitu aja nangis.?
hihi., Lucu bet.. trharu kaLi tuh.
trus kita naik ke atap rumahnya. ada the next surprisenya Loh.
yg Laen uda pda nunggu di atas buat pasang kembang api. hehe.
uda gitu sLesai Liat² kembang api, kita baLik Lagi ke kamar., foto², ngobroL, dan makan kue tartnya., tpi ujung²nya., kue tartnya bkn di makan, maLah di Lempar ke muka org., ckck.,
syg bgt... enak bgt Lgi kuenya., hiks.,
tpi gpp deh., ntar jg dpet Lagi., :P
heboh deh pkknya.
this week is one of the most amazing week tht I ever had deh.!

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teardrops on my guitar

He looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without

He talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight

'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see

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here we go again.!

nah kan~
muLai Lg., @.@
msk kiri kLwr kanan.,

kira Le so brubah tu ank.,
trnyata. . .,
jz Like before Lah.,
cm di awaL² brubah.,
Lama² dy bqg uLg Lg.,
ssdqi dngr dng drg [bkn trg]., ssdq Lia da dng drg.,
dngr uLg kLwr dng drg.,
wah~ kbangetan euy~
kLwr dng drg trus j dnk.!

mmg sih., dy kLwr dng dpe h1y.,
yg notabene btmng dng drg., otomatis dy bjLn dng drg.,
mar bkn nya dpe h1y Le btmng dng trg.?
qp nd skaLi² kLwr dng trg.? sama² dng dpe h1y.?
1 kaLiiiiiiii jo.! nd prnh.!
zzzzzzzzz., =.="

skrg bodo amad dah~
dy m dkt dng sp kek.,
m bqg ap kek.,
none of my bussines.!!
ugh.!! >_<" pastiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.!!!!!!!!
[mudah²an dy nd baca]...and nd mngrti ap yg barusan qt bLg., :P


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FinaLLy., :P

after aLL we've been through.,
we've soLved the probLem.,
we taLked about it., and she apoLogized.,
so ridicuLous to remember that time.,
haha., :P
I rememba our face when we taLked.,
Like a smaLL conference on a square tabLe.,
we took the free time in our cLass jz to taLked.,
I rememba our serious face., and the tears tat feLL down on our face.,
so chiLdish., ><" I didn't want to cry tat time., so didn't they., but I can't stand my emotion., and my tears jz feLL down and brang out my sickness., :P finaLLy., we did soLve the probLem and everything's back to normaL.!! yeahhh.! >_

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terribLy disappointed to my dearest friend., :(

maybe u didn't reaLize.,
how disappointed I am.,
when we were waiting for u.,
for about 2 hours.,
wishing u wouLd have a spare time with us.,
Like we used to.,
but then., u Left us behind without any feeLing of guiLty.,
u just went away with them.,
I remember when u wishpered to me: "can I go with them.? I feeL bad coz they're aLready waiting for me.,"
then I Lied: "ya., It's ok., jz go.,"

oh come on.! don't u think how many hours have we waited for u.?!

can't u see it in my eyes that I Lied to u.?! I didn't want u to go with them.!
I just wanted to test u if u choose to go with us or them.,
coz I knew., we had promised to be together on that day., and I know that u knew it too.,
but., Like I said., u disappointed me., terribLy.,

what shouLd we do now.?

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bner - bner kecewa.,

nambah 1 Lagi msLh yg bkin ak kcewa sm sobatku yg 1 itu.,
duLu wktu kita msh sering sama².,
kita pda buat rncana.,
kita maw bkin bisnis kciL²an.,
sp taw bsa brhasiL nnti.,
kita pngen buka butik sndri.,
biar kita bsa dpt pnghasiLan sndri., kan keren tuh msh muda udh sukses., :P
itu rncana yg paLing ak suka.,
yg paLing ak impikan ampe skrg.,
tp trnyata dgn gampang nya dy bkin rncana itu sm tmn² baru nya.,
tp beda nya., mreka bkaL bkin distro., bkn butiq.,
ap mksdnya coba.?
trus., di kmnain rncana kita duLu.?
udah di buang.?
ato di simpen di kotak trus di knci rapat² biar ga bsa dibuka Lg.?
hh., kecewa bgt dy jd kya gt.,
ak jd ga bsa ngLiat matanya.,
takut nnti ktauan kLo Lg kcewa sm dy.,
tp ap sbaiknya dy tau kLo qt kcewa sm dy.?
God pLease give us a way to get her back.!
we miss her a Lot.,

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got a new chaLLange.!

hufft* bLakangan ini mood jd down trs.,
mybe it was jz my feeLing.,
tp td wktu ngomong sm bonita.,
dy bLg dy jg ngrasain haL yg sama.,
something's different.,
hubgn prshbtn kita uda ngga kya dLu Lg.,
masing² kya na uda pda pnya tmn sndri.,
pdhL kita bdua udah coba noLak di ajk jLn sm tmn² Laen.,
buat jLn sm mreka.,
tp skrg beda., kya na mreka udh pnya tmn jLn sndri.,
so., aku sm bonita bkin new chaLLange., *again*
kLo mreka bisa jLn sm tmn Laen., knp kita ngga bisa.?
kLo dipikir²., kita emg ga bisa stuck sm tmn yg itu² aj kan.?
makin bnyk tmen makin baik.,
toh kita pnya bnyk tmen yg bisa di ajk jLn.,
hehe., deaL or no deaL.?
deaL aj deh...., :P

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Nothin' speciaL :(

it's raining outside...,

dingin naa hare ene.,
pngen jaLan²., tp maLes., ujan Lg.,=="
pngen tdur tp ga ngantuk.,
I'm doing sumthin tht I hate.,
thinkin bout him., :(
boy., wht r u doin right now.?
u know what.?
"I miss u"

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