here we go again.!

nah kan~
muLai Lg., @.@
msk kiri kLwr kanan.,

kira Le so brubah tu ank.,
trnyata. . .,
jz Like before Lah.,
cm di awaL² brubah.,
Lama² dy bqg uLg Lg.,
ssdqi dngr dng drg [bkn trg]., ssdq Lia da dng drg.,
dngr uLg kLwr dng drg.,
wah~ kbangetan euy~
kLwr dng drg trus j dnk.!

mmg sih., dy kLwr dng dpe h1y.,
yg notabene btmng dng drg., otomatis dy bjLn dng drg.,
mar bkn nya dpe h1y Le btmng dng trg.?
qp nd skaLi² kLwr dng trg.? sama² dng dpe h1y.?
1 kaLiiiiiiii jo.! nd prnh.!
zzzzzzzzz., =.="

skrg bodo amad dah~
dy m dkt dng sp kek.,
m bqg ap kek.,
none of my bussines.!!
ugh.!! >_<" pastiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.!!!!!!!!
[mudah²an dy nd baca]...and nd mngrti ap yg barusan qt bLg., :P


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FinaLLy., :P

after aLL we've been through.,
we've soLved the probLem.,
we taLked about it., and she apoLogized.,
so ridicuLous to remember that time.,
haha., :P
I rememba our face when we taLked.,
Like a smaLL conference on a square tabLe.,
we took the free time in our cLass jz to taLked.,
I rememba our serious face., and the tears tat feLL down on our face.,
so chiLdish., ><" I didn't want to cry tat time., so didn't they., but I can't stand my emotion., and my tears jz feLL down and brang out my sickness., :P finaLLy., we did soLve the probLem and everything's back to normaL.!! yeahhh.! >_

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